Anastasia Madimenos

Class of 2003   
Anastasia was accepted to the prestigious Whitney Young Magnet School and later transferred to Loyola Academy in Wilmette, where she graduated with honors in 2007. She attended the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), received a Bachelor of Architecture degree and was on the Dean’s list. She continued her education with a Master of Inegrated Building delivery, a supplement to her design background with an emphasis on Architecture as a business and catalyst for innovation. She worked as a Junior Designer/Draftsperson since 2007 and assisted in design for Adime Architecture, Inc. She was involved in the designing and graphic rendering of an elementary school, medical clinic and church in Haiti for the Orthodox Missions. Anastasia is currently a Junior Designer  at MX3 Architects.

Eleni Sauvageau

Class of 2003   
Eleni graduated from the prestigious Trinity High School International Baccalaureate program in 2007. She then received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre Arts from Marquette University in 2011. She received a post-graduate degree in Classical Theatre at Kingston University in the United Kingdom. She describes herself as a “Performer. Creator. Dreamer. Developer.”
“The most important lesson I learned at Plato Academy was that being yourself is the most successful way to achieve your dreams!”