
Ways to Donate

  • Mail or drop off a check made payable to Plato Academy to 915 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016
  • VENMO: @platoacademy OR (if Venmo requests last 4 digits of phone: 1102)
  • PAYPAL: @platoacademy OR (be sure to select Friends and Family payment type – NOT goods and services).

The Giving Tree Campaign

Plato Academy provides an engaging and challenging learning environment for our students rich in tradition and dedicated to education rooted in the Classics.  Champion our school today by contributing to the Giving Tree Campaign.  A donor recognition tree is displayed in our main lobby and hosts custom leaves at a variety of donation levels that can commemorate an individual, a business, an organization, your family, your friends, and/or your loved ones.

Donate here: The Giving Tree Campaign

Donating in honor or memory of a particular individual? 

Please include the name in the memo/comment and the family will be notified of your donation.

Donations are Tax-Deductible

Plato Academy is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization and all donations are fully tax-deductible.

ID: 36-4246600

Any questions?

Contact the office: OR 847-768-7188


Thank you for supporting Plato Academy and our mission!